Practice Research

Practice Research  · 10/05/2019
Over the past few months this Blog has been a helpful tool to arrange my thoughts, spin ideas and plan out my research supporting my photographic practice work.

Practice Research  · 09/05/2019
Over the past months a lot of my research work mentioned or analysed the photographic work of S. Salgado created over decades. On a recent trip to Paris I had the chance to visit another one of his exhibitions “Declarations” at the Musée de l’homme. The exhibition features photographs taken in multiple locations between 1975 and 2009 with the majority dating back to the late 90s. The images highlight the difference between the UN Declaration of Human Rights and real life situations.

Practice Research  · 02/05/2019
Though not technically a photographic session, the third element of my photographic practice used the images produced Underwater and at the city centre to create digitally altered scenes presenting a possible future for Auckland. Using the idea of Beauty to convey a tragic reality, I'm working on a project to educate as well as raise attention for environmental changes that are easier to overlook than to commit to general behaviour changes for.

Practice Research  · 29/04/2019
While I researched the use of beauty and shock imagery before, it seemed enough to present a subject that shocks to raise attention, however while previously audiences were left feeling inadequate, recent environmental series' have a different purpose - inspire change.

Practice Research  · 21/04/2019
After exploring the topic of beauty and tragedy in depth throughout my research, I'd like to put the focus back on my practice by analysing how my project work thus far relates to the explored theories.

Practice Research  · 15/04/2019
It is generally agreed that photographs determine what is later remembered of an event, Sebastian Salgado and Richard Mosses both aim to address their viewers on a new level. Realising 'shock' isn't making society think about images to the same extent anymore, they rely on beauty - a concept that has been discussed since Berger and Sontag.

Practice Research  · 10/04/2019
After the first set of experimental Underwater Photography I decided to complete a second set of Images focusing on the Architecture I pan to include in my work. These Images will then be used for future digital layering as well as starting points to base the planed Wastemodels on.

Practice Research  · 08/04/2019
As part of my research on ocean conservation and underwater photography I visited the International Ocean Film Festival World Tour Screening in Auckland, New Zealand on the 4th of April 2019. The Festival shows the most inspirational, educational and entertaining films created by independent film makers from all across the world.

Practice Research  · 03/04/2019
My practice and major project proposal is investigating the Causes and Effects of Climate Change around the Auckland region. In 24 digital photographs the Causes will be analysed focusing on architectural forms symbolising the major industries and components responsible, before looking at possible effects of rising sea levels and growing amounts of waste for our planet.

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